Amplifying Christ's Voice Podcast
Do you want to amplify Christ's voice in a world that has become increasingly deaf to His Word? I am an experienced evangelism trainer who equips and mobilizes Christians to share the gospel as the answer to the world's spiritual brokenness. One of my greatest privileges and contributions to the Great Commission was forming and directing a multicultural, non-denominational organization that effectively evangelized in metro Boston, MA. We trained, equipped, and mobilized individuals and churches to evangelize outside their four walls. In this podcast, you will hear encouraging and spiritually challenging biblical messages and learn strategies to joyfully and confidently communicate the salvation message. Join me as we discover how to transform our communities and the world through Jesus, the Living Gospel!
Amplifying Christ's Voice Podcast
Fulfilling the Great Commission: The Ministry of Reconciliation, Part 4 (Bridging the Human Divide)
Have you looked at our world and wondered why there is so much division and anger and what we, as Christ ambassadors, can do about it? Then join me for today’s podcast episode, where we will learn how the ministry of reconciliation breaks down walls of hostility between people and promotes evangelism that builds God’s Kingdom, characterized by His love and unity. We will also learn practical steps to promote unity within the body of Christ. Our foundational scriptural passage for today's episode is 2 Corinthians 5:18-20.
Principle #4: The Ministry of Reconciliation Builds Human Bridges of Love Where There Are Walls of Separation and Hostility. [3:19]
· Practice God’s love as the antidote for anger and hostility.
· Live the gospel of reconciliation: dismantling walls of hostility and repairing broken relationships.
· Share the gospel with all races, ethnicities, cultures, and lifestyles without bias or exclusivity.
· Pray for the general needs of the body of Christ.
· Select Christian Bible-believing churches to pray for regularly.
· Invite Christian Bible-believing churches to participate in community evangelism.
· Disseminate Christian literature that includes the contact information of diverse Christian Bible-believing churches.
Ending Prayer: [21:33]
2 Corinthians 5:18-20
Ephesians 2:14-18
Colossians 1:8
Romans 5:5
Matthew 22:37-39
John 13:34-35
1 John 4:19-20
Isaiah 58:12
Galatians 5:22-23
John 4:3-14; 39-42
Matthew 9:37
John 17:21
Galatians 3:26-28
John 15:12
1 John 4:20-21
John 17:21-23
· Podcast website: https://acvpodcast.buzzsprout.com
· Email Evangelist Regina: ACVMinistry@gmail.com
· Episode 16: https://www.buzzsprout.com/admin/2345736/episodes/15754342-fulfilling-the-great-commission-the-ministry-of-reconciliation-part-1
· Episode 17: https://www.buzzsprout.com/admin/2345736/episodes/15794203-fulfilling-the-great-commission-the-ministry-of-reconciliation-part-2-intercessory-prayer
· Episode 18: https://www.buzzsprout.com/admin/2345736/episodes/15834773-fulfilling-the-great-commission-the-ministry-of-reconciliation-part-3-compassionate-evangelism
· Link to website for free Christian tracts (donations appreciated): https://fellowshiptractleague.org/